Friday 2 August 2013

The Zyronian Book 2 - A Different World Part 1 excerpt



Zaine woke up extremely disorientated after the ‘Latana’ had left Earth’s orbit. Glancing towards the master screens automatically out of habit, he comprehended that all was in order; the only exception being he. How he had torn himself away from Serena was having a dire effect on his senses. It had taken every inch of his willpower, and the pain was clawing at him, dull at first and becoming more intense, the ‘space vehicle’ searing into the macrocosm of space as he watched out of the wide clear glass panels of the craft glowing first from the reflections of the light from the stars in the universe, and then growing pitch dark just like the blackness that enclosed his heart. Nothing or no one could fix this, it was he who had known what the end result was going to be and yet he had been careless, if anybody was to be blamed it was him. He should have steered clear of Serena, but even when he had tried, he had not been able to stop himself. As the ‘Latana’ hurtled further and further into space, the reality bore into him that at this juncture he was definitely past the point of no return. The robots had been activated by default when he left Earth but then he had reprogrammed them to remain inactive, as he endured the journey mostly dreaming about Serena wanting her near him so much when he would fall asleep, and then wake up with an emptiness that filled every atom of his body. Though he had far more than enough supplies for sustenance, he consumed very little as he had no appetite whatsoever, the foods being prepared by him as he had gotten used to doing things as the Earthlings did, without the help of robots. There was no such thing as day or night in space, only a destination to be reached and blurry moments of whatever was in between. If ever there was a hell it was inside him, as great as the heavens outside the walls of the ‘Latana’.








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